Wednesday, March 1, 2017

COM B241

Utterback Andrew Hicks, Studio Television Production and Directing 
ISBN: 978-0-415-74350-1 - suggested textbook

Course Overview:
The fundamentals of television production are presented in this lab course in the College’s TV studio. Scripting, camera set-ups, how to work with talent, and the control room side of TV production are topics that will be covered.

Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to:
  • Gain an understanding of the television production process (Preproduction, Production, and Post Production) through projects and hands-on activities
  • Identify and operate studio equipment, while demonstrating a working knowledge of each piece of equipment through class projects
  • Have a working knowledge and understanding of the roles of a studio production team
  • Learn and practice the basic skills of key studio production personnel including, camera operator, floor manager, switcher operator, audio technician/operator, and character generator operator
  • Gain an understanding of the role and responsibilities of the television director
  • Obtain a basic understanding of studio lighting through observation and demonstration
  • Create demonstration and newscast productions utilizing tools both inside and outside the studio environment

(schedule is subject to change)

Week #1 – Course Overview
·   Review syllabus
·   General copyright guidelines
·   Privacy
·   Consent
·   Ethical issues

Video and Production Overview - Preproduction Process
·   Changes in video today
o  Internet, YouTube
·   Audience analysis
·   Preproduction, Production, Postproduction
·   Preproduction
o  Storyboarding/Scripting

Week #2 – Pre-test

Week #3 – Production Process/Overview of Production Tools
·   ASSIGNMENT #1: Assign introduction of first 3-5 minute drill script
o  Distribute script, guidelines, and expectations (evaluation sheet)
·   Crew and tools used for video production/basic overview
o  Cameras
o  Lights
o  Audio
§ Microphones
§ Roll-in audio
o  Switcher
o  CG
o  Recorder
o  Teleprompter
o  Overview/tour of TV studio/control room

Week #4 – Drill Scripts in Studio (productions)
o ASSIGNMENT #2: 5-7 minute Studio Interview
·         Distribute script, guidelines, and expectations (evaluation sheet)

Week #5 – Class Review of Student Productions (Drill Scripts)
Studio Equipment Operation and Detailed Studio Set-up
o Cameras
·   Shots
·   Demo
o Lights
·   Types of lighting
·   Set-up
·   Demo (board and grid)
o Audio
·   Microphones
·   Roll-in audio
·   Operation of audio board/demo
o Switcher
·   Cuts/dissolves/roll-ins/etc.
·   Demo
o CG
·   Set-up and demo
o Video Recorders
·   Tape vs. Digital
o Teleprompter

Week #6 – 5-7 minute Studio Interview Productions

Week #7 – 5-7 minute Studio Interview Productions
ASSIGNMENT #3 – 8-10 Minute Demonstration
·      Distribute guidelines, and expectations (evaluation sheet)

Week #8 – Finish 5-7 minute Studio Interview Productions
·   Review for midterm

Week #9 – Midterm
·   ASSIGNMENT #4/FINAL: 8-10 Minute Co-Anchored Newscast

Week #10 – 8-10 Minute Demonstration Productions

Week #11 – 8-10 Minute Demonstration Productions

Week #12 – 8-10 Minute Demonstration Productions

Week #13 – Final exam/project, 8-10 Minute Co-Anchored Newscast Productions

Week #14 – Final exam/project, 8-10 Minute Co-Anchored Newscast Productions

Week #15 – Final exam/project, 8-10 Minute Co-Anchored Newscast Productions
·   Review student newscasts (time permitting)

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