Wednesday, January 27, 2016



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FATHER FAILURE or wadup pops

It's all around me
I'm in it up to my eyeballs

I see 'good men' at church
Successful fathers so I know
It's possible.

Father failure means
Family failure too
A domino effect

But how to fix it?
The courts?
The church?

You fix yours
I'll fix mine !!!!

A team works better.
Where to start
When to start

My son
Stephen is in the "service"
Finding his way ?

I have a grandson in the house . . .
sometimes. 5 months old !

3 unmarried daughters
All over 20 yo . . . with boyfriends !

I go to church, the men are mostly good, trying to do right.

It's a good "showcase"
It's the right place to start
Forget about the hypocrisy
We all have it

The community seems like a mess
Bad news father failure everywhere

Can the government help?
I go to a regional advisory council
meeting every first Thursday
We are supposed to come up with
recommendations for the department of children and families (DCF) as to how they can do a better job. Are there hypocrites who attend? Yes at least one, me.

So what's with the "hypocrisy" stuff all of a sudden? FATHER FAILURE !

How am I gonna help no one
being so big of a failure myself ?

Yes but . . .
I can try, so I go to the FELT meeting once per month too. FATHERHOOD ENGAGEMENT LEADERSHIP TEAM

I met Mr. Kevin. I went to one of his Fatherhood Initiative /mentoring/ support group kinda meetings last Wednesday.

VISION - I saw men
Broken men, badly broken
They told their stories . . .

Make u cry -

THEN I begin
to c the



Adults with Disabilities
PSY *173
CRN 11011
Spring 2016

Class Days & Time: W  4:00-6:50pm
Class Location: AST-C 212

Instructor: Dr. Esposito
MCC/CC Email:
MCC Telephone: (860) 512-2763
MCC Office: AST- T307 (Third floor of the tower)
Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:00-12:00 and from 1:00-3:00 (Please make an appointment first)

3 Credits

This course is a general introduction to adults with disabilities and the issues faced by them in American society. The emphasis is on issues relating to full inclusion in neighborhoods, community associations, the workplace, and leisure and recreation experience. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and its powerful implications for full community inclusion by men and women with disabilities will be examined and understood. 

The objectives of this course are as follows:
11)     Through discussion and writings, demonstrate an understanding of men and women with disabilities as people with abilities, capacities, and gifts more than people with limitations.
22)     Students will examine personal and societal prejudices toward men and women with disabilities and how disability activists are addressing this issue.
33)     Students will discuss issues and opportunities around housing, work, leisure and recreation, and general community access for men and women with disabilities.
44)     Students will understand the major implications and impact of the ADA. 
Course Topics, Readings and Other Assignments and Time Frames

Week                          Date               Material/Topic               Notes
Week 1
Review Syllabus /Class introductions

Week 2
History of adults with disabilities
How do we define “disability”?

Week 3
Development of laws for Adults with disabilities

Week 4

ADA laws

Week 5

Transitioning to adulthood with a disability
Exam Review
Exam Review
Week 6
Exam on
Week 7
The importance of inclusion : Neighborhood & Work

Week 8
Group Work for Presentations
The importance of Inclusion: Community
Group work day- If we have time

Week 9



Spring Break!!
Week 10
Leisure and Recreation with AWD

Week 11
Physical Disabilities Review
Intellectual and Learning Disabilities  Review

Week 12

Mental Health Disabilities Review
Supportive approach. The use of assistive technology etc…

Week 13
Exam Review
Group Work Day
Exam Review
Group work day- If we have time
Week 14
Week 15

Final Exam week
We do not have an official “final exam”. This day and time will be used to finish group presentations.
TBD- Will be announced in Class
Presentations *****
We will be using our “final exam time” to complete presentations. You will be deducted points if you do not attend this class.


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