Wednesday, February 17, 2016


You will be required to provide a short group presentation (20-25 minutes) at the end of the semester.

This presentation can be on any approved topic related to class. The topics will be picked at the beginning of the semester and cannot be changed!

This is an oral presentation and will require students to prepare a visual for the class (such as PowerPoint) and a handout to the class. (This cannot be a printout of slides)** Your handout should be creative and useful to the class**.

You need to provide an outline and a reference page to the professor as well. Your outline should look more like abstracts. It should include: group members names, group number and each member of the group should write a small summary about what they will be covering in the presentation.

There should be only one outline for the entire group so work together! In addition, your outline should clearly state who contributed what to the group. You are required to use a total of 5 professional references (total for the group) one of which can be your book.

You will be graded on the overall professionalism of your presentation, your ability to effectively communicate your topic, organization of material, and delivery.

You will be deducted points if you exceed the time limit as well. Keeping your presentation within the time frame will require organization, rehearsal and working collaboratively with your group members. Being able to present material in an effective way is a skill that you will likely utilize again in the future and in your career.

I expect that you will take this assignment as practice for the future J We will discuss this more in detail during class time. Your group will be randomly selected to present during the "presentation days" listed on the syllabus.

Sent from my iPhone

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