Wednesday, December 23, 2015

PHL111_haught and haught


John F. Haught is a Distinguished Research Professor at Georgetown University. He specializes in systematic theology, with a particular interest in issues pertaining to science, cosmology, evolution, ecology, and religion. He has authored numerous books and articles, including Science and Faith: A New Introduction (2012), Making Sense of Evolution: Darwin, God, and The Drama of Life ( 2010), God and the New Atheism: A Critical Response to Dawkins, Harris, and Hitchens (2008), Christianity and Science: Toward a Theology of Nature (2007), Is Nature Enough? Meaning and Truth in the Age of Science (2006), Purpose, Evolution and the Meaning of Life (2004), God After Darwin: A Theology of Evolution (2000, 2nd ed. 2007), Science and Religion: From Conflict to Conversation (1995), The Promise of Nature: Ecology and Cosmic Purpose (1993, 2nd ed. 2004), What is Religion? (1990), What is God? (1986), and The Cosmic Adventure: Science, Religion and the Quest for Purpose (1984). In 2002, Haught received the Owen Garrigan Award in Science and Religion, in 2004 the Sophia Award for Theological Excellence, and in 2008 a "Friend of Darwin Award" from the National Center for Science Education. He also testified for the plaintiffs in Harrisburg, PA "Intelligent Design Trial"(Kitzmiller et al. vs. Dover Board of Education). SOURCE -


James Baldwin, arguably America's greatest black writer, was a popular Pentecostal preacher in Harlem at age 14 - but at 17 he renounced religion as a sham.

Years later, he described his boyhood transformation in an essay titled Down at the Cross, first published in The New Yorker, then reprinted in his civil rights book, The Fire Next Time.

He told of growing up amid the bitter hopelessness of the black ghetto, watching jobless men drink and fight, resenting tyrannical treatment by his preacher stepfather, wishing for escape. The misery around him "helped to hurl me into the church," he wrote.

One night at a prayer meeting, "everything came roaring, screaming, crying out, and I fell to the ground before the altar. It was the strangest sensation I have ever had in my life." He soon became a junior minister at the Fireside Pentecostal Assembly, and became "a much bigger drawing card than my father."

"That was the most frightening time of my life, and quite the most dishonest, and the resulting hysteria lent great passion to my sermons - for a while," he said. Considering all the evils of Harlem street life, "it was my good luck - perhaps - that I found myself in the church racket instead of some other, and surrendered to a spiritual seduction long before I came to any carnal knowledge."
The "fire and excitement" of Pentecostalism were captivating, Baldwin wrote -- but he sensed subconsciously that it was bogus, and by 17 suffered "the slow crumbling of my faith." It happened "when I began to read again.... I began, fatally, with Dostoevski."
He continued handing out gospel tracts, but knew they were "impossible to believe."
"I was forced, reluctantly, to realize that the Bible itself had been written by men." As for the claim that the Bible writers were divinely inspired, he said he "knew by now, alas, far more about divine inspiration than I dared admit, for I knew how I worked myself up into my own visions."
Baldwin wrote that he might have remained in the church if "there was any loving-kindness to be found in the haven I represented." But he finally concluded that "there was no love in the church. It was a mask for hatred and self-hatred and despair." So his religion ended.

Years later, he visited Black Muslim leader Elijah Muhammad and concluded that Elijah's "revelations" about Satan creating "white devils" were just as irrational as Christian beliefs.
When Elijah asked his faith, Baldwin replied:

"I left the church 20 years ago and I haven't joined anything since."

"And what are you now?" Elijah asked.

"I? Now? Nothing," the great writer replied.

By James A. Haught
Haught, editor of the Charleston Gazette, has several books including Holy Horrors: An Illustrated History of Religious Murder and Madness (Prometheus, 1990) and Holy Hatred: Religious Conflicts of the '90's (Prometheus, 1995).
Haught's writings can be found at his web site
Haught is the editor of 2000 Years of Disbelief, Famous People with the Courage to Doubt (Prometheus Books, 1996)

Monday, December 21, 2015


WHAT is the false premise of Christianity?


I was asked to read a book titled "VINTAGE BALDWIN"
I wanted to know who he was. In my research I came across
Clarence E. Hardy, III

James Baldwin 37 Allan Warren.jpg

Hardy’s thoughtful, provocative interpretation of Baldwin’s intellectual legacy reveals the portrait of a writer whose greatest contribution was not his novels but his preachy, non-fiction essays, whose timeless relevance and passion were due to Baldwin’s connection with the black holiness heritage. The irony of it all, Hardy urges, is seen when one realizes that this black evangelical heritage––marked by a loveless white Christian god and black self-loathing––is the very thing Baldwin spent his life trying to escape. Hardy thus concludes that it was Baldwin’s nemesis, yet also his strength, the marrow and substance of his impassioned public intellection.


ETHICS with Ben

The Martin Campbell interview

fighting for a fairer, more ethical america

Saturday, October 10, 2015

563 words draft 3

Do the stated beliefs of an individual consistently affect their decisions? Is human behavior only determined by conditions 'in the moment'?

If the problem of nihilistic chaos is caused by the absence of moral order, then Blood Meridian tells a tale of such rampant savagery as could well describe a time of moral uncertainty or moral confusion. Rather than the influence of moral imperatives; Cormac McCarthy's novel demonstrates a "nihilistic chaos" in the human experience that is driven by fate or the 'givens' of nature; by human perception of threat, and animal-like survival instinct; and by pure chance. The saga could lead the reader to conclude that human behavior is meaningless.

If, however, human experience is based on moral absolutes, then, as a computer with a corrupt or missing operating system (OS); moral uncertainty or moral confusion could allow the human being to disintegrate into a state of nihilistic chaos, resulting in, behaviors not unlike those "survival-driven life-styles" 'observed' in lower or non-human life forms.

To the casual eye, it may seem that there is a pattern to life. One may be inclined to conclude that there is purpose in the endless cycle of life and death. In the 'animal world', we humans observe a consistent predatory cycle, yet it is not always the fittest that survive. McCarthy begins his story in the Tennessee home of a  family with a child, a pale unwashed child. A dead mother. A drunk father. An 'estranged' sister. A meteor shower and wolves. A 'scene' that captures a wide swath of nature; at once depicting human and animal life as well as death and things beyond, he mentions the heavens. These givens of nature: people, childhood, animals, trees and the sky in this opening scene, quickly primes the mind with anticipation. McCarthy will now take the reader on a 'historic journey', through New Orleans to Texas and the Mexican borderlands. A saga of chaotic violence will play out; not mindless, but willful violence.

As the drama unfolds, the scenery is now set in Texas, a church, not the conventional edifice but a religious tent-meeting. If the author would have our attention drawn to the notion of human 'goodness', what better place to be than 'in church'. The reader, however, will soon be divested of all hope of the normal peacefulness and piety of such places. Chaos quickly overtakes the supposedly pious assembly. The persuasive preaching is interrupted by "the devil", so described by the preacher. There will be no desired penitence. The gathering quickly descends into pandemonium brought about by a tall noticeably hairless man who will become known throughout the remainder of the novel, as "the judge". He interrupts the meeting by making slanderous accusations against The Reverend Green, rousing a certain moral indignation among the congregants who are quickly transformed into an outraged and violent mob.

Having now witnessed chaotic unraveling in two basic institutions of moral authority, namely the family and the church the reader is 'moved' by the narrative from a whiskey drinking episode in a bar out onto a wild landscape where the author will describe a bloody altercation involving the runaway child who becomes known as "the kid". He fights an alleged horse thief named Toadvine who has no ears. Another savage fight is soon followed by the burning down of a hotel by the kid and Toadvine. The kid leaves town.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


Complete, up-to-date coverage of social welfare programs and policies with special coverage of how history, politics, and the economy shape these programs

This text puts the field of human services into a historical context, provides insights into the social welfare field, and gives concrete examples of how primary intervention strategies are put into daily practice in human service agencies.

It presents the many options offered in the field of human services and discusses the stresses that a human service worker will face in day-to-day work, with practical suggestions for avoiding burnout. The text compares the U.S. social welfare systems to systems in other countries, and uses a strong multicultural and social systems approach that distinguishes it from other texts. 

Teaching & Learning Experience

  • Personalize Learning – MyHelpingLab delivers proven results in helping students succeed, provides engaging experiences that personalize learning, and comes from a trusted partner with educational expertise and a deep commitment to helping students and instructors achieve their goals.
  • Engage Students – Outstanding pedagogy, including examples, cases, anecdotes, and interviews, keeps students interested.
  • Explore Current Issues – Contemporary issues are incorporated throughout the text to provide students with the most up-to-date coverage; topics include: cyberbullying, immigration, and health care reform.
  • Support Instructors – An Instructor's Manual and Test Bank, Computerized Test Bank (MyTest), MyHelpingLab with Pearson eText, and PowerPoint presentations, and BlackBoard and WebCT Test Item File provide instructors with additional support.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Brain Psy111

c l a s s n o t e s : STUDY GUIDE

Brain structure / functions
Shock anger fear

Corpus callosum - Rainman the movie 
Frontal also related to 
impulse control 
Nowadays drug therapy more useful than ECT & surgery


Performance enhancing drugs

Free from pain - endorphins 

Sent from my iPhone

Friday, September 18, 2015


BLOOD MERIDIAN, the title is a little mystifying to me. As I read 'around' the novel and listen to class readings, I begin to develop bias. I am repulsed. Totally? Not yet but close.

Still 'struggling' with how to 'dive in'. Like jumping naked into a cold stream. Anticipating a shocking evil coldness?

I must stop 'skirting the edges', delaying the inevitable I must dive in!

Is any truth to be determined in the complex and confusing alleged plotlessness of this novel?

Trying to find some 'tools' with which to begin a 'critical' examination of the text I find some seemingly significant details about the author Cormac McCarthy. He had a son. He was thrice married. He lived in Texas, at least for a while. He is considered a recluse by some.

As I 'take the plunge' into McCarthy's BLOOD MERIDIAN I take the mindset not of a judge to return a verdict but as an advocate; examining his 'though stream' to discover purpose and meaning in the seeming violent madness of his novel.

I must carefully and dispassionately search for clues. Tracking allusions to their source. Noting and de-mystifying odd detail. I must get to the "historical kernel".

I must lay aside the simple notion that "books beget books". I must find "foundational thought" and the "cosmic structures" undergirding the novel. I must find some useful "truth". I must overcome my bias.

Cormac McCarthy
Cormac McCarthy was born in Rhode Island on July 20, 1933. He is the third of six children (the eldest son) born to Charles Joseph and Gladys Christina McGrail McCarthy (he has two brothers and three sisters). Originally named Charles (after his father), he renamed himself Cormac after the Irish King (another source says that McCarthy’s family was responsible for legally changing his name to the Gaelic equivalent of “son of Charles”).
In 1937, when he was four, the family moved to Knoxville, and his father became a lawyer for the Tennessee Valley Authority (legal staff 1934-67; chief counsel 1958-67). In 1967, the McCarthys moved from Knoxville to Washington, D.C., where Charles was the principal attorney in a law firm until his retirement.
Cormac was raised Roman Catholic. He attended Catholic High School in Knoxville, then went to the University of Tennessee in 1951-52. His major: liberal arts. McCarthy joined the U.S. Air Force in 1953; he served four years, spending two of them stationed in Alaska, where he hosted a radio show.

his 1985 novel "Blood Meridian," a tale of American mercenaries
hunting Indians in the Mexican borderland. 

Interview 2014

Harold Bloom - How to Read and Why4 - Blood Meridian
Faulknerian   Melvilian

Cormac McCarthy, 76, talked about love, religion (THE PERIOD 1849,50)

Nov. 20, 2009 he was 76 yo

BLOOD MERIDIAN (background)
McCarthy's fifth book, published by Random House ** (writings form the mid-1970s) a 1985 epic Western(or anti-Western ** the bulk of the text devoted to his experiences with the Glanton gang, a historical group of scalp hunters who massacred Native Americans and others in the United States–Mexico borderlands from 1849 to 1850 for bounty, pleasure, and eventually out of sheer compulsion.
With frequent religious references, McCarthy's writing style involves many unusual or archaic words, no quotation marks for dialogue, and no apostrophes to signal most contractions. McCarthy conducted considerable research to write the book. Critics have repeatedly demonstrated that even brief and seemingly inconsequential passages of Blood Meridian rely on historical evidence. The Glanton gang segments are based onSamuel Chamberlain's account of the group in his memoir My Confession: The Recollections of a Rogue, which he wrote during the latter part of his life. Chamberlain rode with John Joel Glanton and his company between 1849 and 1850. The novel's antagonist Judge Holden appeared in Chamberlain's account, but his true identity remains a mystery. Chamberlain does not openly appear in the novel. Some critics[who?] have suggested that "the kid" is a fictional stand-in for Chamberlain.[citation needed]
Elements of the novel are also widely believed to have been at least partially inspired by the writings of T. R. Fehrenbach, specifically his authoritative and highly original[clarification needed] histories of Texas, Mexico, and the Comanche.[citation needed]
The novel follows an adolescent runaway from home with a disposition for violence, known only as "the kid," who was born inTennessee during the famous Leonids meteor shower of 1833. In the late 1840s, he first meets an enormous and completely hairless character, Judge Holden, at a religious revival in Nacogdoches, Texas. There, Holden shows his dark nature by falsely accusing a preacher of raping both a young girl and a goat, inciting those attending the revival to physically attack the preacher.
The kid carries on journeying alone on his mule through the plains of eastern Texas, and he spends a night in the shelter of a recluse before arriving in "Bexar" (the county that includes modern-day San Antonio). After a violent encounter with a bartender which establishes the kid as a formidable fighter, he joins a party of ill-armed U.S. Army irregulars, led by a Captain White, on a filibustering mission to claim Mexican land for the United States. Shortly after entering Mexico, they are attacked, and many killed, by a band of Comanche warriors. Arrested in Chihuahua, the kid is set free when his cell neighbor and prior acquaintance, the earless Louis Toadvine, tells the authorities that the two of them would make useful recruits for the state's newly hired scalp hunting operation, led by John Joel Glanton.
Toadvine and the kid consequently join Glanton's gang. The bulk of the novel is devoted to the detailing of the gang's conversations and depraved activities. The gang encounters a traveling carnival, and, in untranslated Spanish, each of their fortunes is told with Tarot cards. The gang originally contracts with various regional leaders to exterminate Apaches and are given a bounty for each scalp they recover. Before long, however, they murder any in their path, including peaceful agrarian Indians, unprotected Mexican villagers, and even Mexican soldiers.
Judge Holden, who re-enters the story as a fellow scalp hunter, is presented as a profoundly mysterious and awe-inspiring figure; the others seem to regard him as not quite human. He[6] is strongly implied to be a child-killer though almost no one in the gang expresses much distress about this. According to an ex-priest gang-member named Ben Tobin, the Glanton gang first met the judge while fleeing from the onslaught of a much larger group of Apaches. In the middle of the desert, the gang found Holden sitting on an enormous boulder, where he seemed to be waiting for them all. He took them to an extinct volcano, and improvised gunpowder from natural materials, enough to give them the advantage against their Apache pursuers. When the kid remembers seeing Holden in Nacogdoches, Tobin explains that each man in the gang claims to have met the judge at some point before joining Glanton's gang—though he ends his tale by stating that he first met with the judge in the desert with the others. This suggests a potentially disingenuous quality to the refrain "the priest doesn't lie" uttered by several characters throughout the course of the novel.
After months of marauding, the gang crosses into U.S. territory, where they set up a systematic and brutal robbery operation at a ferry on the Colorado River near Yuma, Arizona. Local Yuma (Quechan) Indians are approached to help the gang wrest control of the ferry from its original owner, but Glanton's gang betrays the natives, using their presence and previously coordinated attack on the ferry as an excuse to seize the ferry's munitions and slaughter the Yuma. Because of the new operators' brutal ways, a group of U.S. Army soldiers sets up a second ferry at a ford upriver to cross—which the Yuma briefly appropriate until their ferryman is decapitated and thrown in the river. Eventually, after the gang had amassed a fortune by robbing the settlers using the ferry, the Yumas suddenly attack the gang and kill most of them, including Glanton.
The kid, Toadvine, and Tobin are among the few survivors who flee into the desert though the kid takes an arrow in the leg. Heading west together, the kid and Tobin again encounter Judge Holden, who first negotiates, then threatens them for their weaponry and possessions. Holden fires a non-fatal shot to Tobin's neck and Tobin, and the kid hide among bones near a desert creek. The judge delivers a speech advising the kid to reveal himself. Tobin and the kid continue their travels independently, passing each other along the way. Although the kid has several opportunities to shoot the judge, as Tobin advises, he only attempts so once and fails.
Both parties end up in San Diego, but the kid gets separated from Tobin when he is caught by local authorities and imprisoned. Holden visits him in jail, stating that he told the jailers "the truth": that the kid alone was responsible for the end of the Glanton gang. The kid declares that the judge was responsible for the gang's evils, but the judge denies it. After reaching through the cell bars to try to touch the kid, Holden leaves the kid alone, stating that he "has errands." The kid then tells the authorities where the Glanton gang's fortune can be found, and he is released to go seek a doctor to treat his wound. Under the influence of medicinal ether, he hallucinates that the judge is visiting him, along with a curious man who forges coins. The kid recovers and seeks out Tobin, with no luck. He makes his way to Los Angeles, where he witnesses the execution of the last remaining members of the Glanton gang—Toadvine and David Brown—leaving now only Tobin (assuming he is alive), the judge, and the kid.
The kid again wanders across the American West, and decades are compressed into a few pages. In 1878, he makes his way to Fort Griffin, Texas and is now referred to by the author as "the man." The lawless city is a center for processing the remains of the American bison, which have been hunted nearly to extinction. At a saloon, the man yet again meets the judge, who does not seem to have aged in the intervening years. Holden calls the man "the last of the true," and the pair talk on equal terms. Holden describes the man as a disappointment, stating that he held in his heart "clemency for the heathen." Holden declares prophetically that the man has arrived at the saloon for the dance. The man tells the judge, "You aint nothin" and, notes of a trained bear at the saloon that is performing a dance, that "even a dumb animal can dance."
The man hires a prostitute, then afterward goes to an outhouse under another meteor shower. In the outhouse, he is surprised by the judge, naked, who "gathered him in his arms against his immense and terrible flesh." This is the last mention of the man, though in the next scene, two men from the saloon approach the outhouse, open the door, and gaze in awed horror at what they see, stating only, "Good God almighty." The last paragraph finds the judge back in the saloon, dancing in the nude and playing fiddle wildly among the drunkards and whores, claiming that he will never die.
A brief epilogue features an unspecified person auguring a row of holes across the prairie. The worker sparks a fire in each of the holes while an assortment of passionless wanderers crosses the row. The line of holes is described as "a validation of sequence and causality as if each round and perfect hole owed its existence to the one before it there on that prairie." FROM WIKI:

US HISTORY The 1800's

1800-1809 - Exploration 
1810-1819 - The War of 1812
1820-1829 - A Decade of Compromise & Doctrine 
1830-1839 - Conquering the West
1840-1849 - The Mexican War 
1850-1859 - Expansion & the Looming Divide

1860-1869 - The Civil War 
1870-1879 - The Nation's Centennial Decade
1880-1889 - America Invents
1890-1899 - The Age of Immigration

Most Westerns from the 1960s to the present have revisionist themes. Many were made by emerging major filmmakers who saw the Western as an opportunity to expand their criticism of American society and values into a new genre. The 1952Supreme Court holding in Joseph Burstyn, Inc. v. Wilson, and later, the end of the Production Code in 1968 broadened what Westerns could portray and made the revisionist Western a more viable genre

He is described as seven feet tall and completely bereft of body hair. He is massive in frame, and enormously strong, capable of holding and wielding a howitzer cannon much like a regular gun. His skin is so pale as to have almost no pigment. This strange appearance, as well as his keen, extremely fast reflexes, strength, apparent immunity to sleep and aging, and other abilities point to his being something other than a conventional human being.
In the final pages of the novel, McCarthy makes more direct reference to the Judge as a supernatural entity, or even as a concept, personified.
In his essay "Gravers False and True: Blood Meridian as Gnostic Tragedy", literature professor Leo Daugherty argued that McCarthy's Holden is—or at least embodies—a gnostic archon, a kind of demon. Harold Bloom declared that McCarthy's Holden is "the most frightening figure in all of American literature" [3] and compared him favorably with Shakespeare's Iago.

Major characters

·         The kid: The novel's anti-heroic protagonist, the kid is a Tennessean initially in his mid-teens whose mother died inchildbirth and who flees from his father to Texas. He is said to have a disposition for bloodshed and is involved in many vicious actions early on; he takes up inherently violent professions, specifically being recruited by murderers including Captain White, and later, by Glanton and his gang, to secure release from a prison in Chihuahua, Mexico. The kid takes part in many of the Glanton gang's scalp-hunting rampages, but gradually displays a moral fiber that ultimately puts him at odds with the Judge. "The kid" is later, as an adult, referred to as "the man," when he encounters the judge again after nearly three decades.
·         Judge Holden, or "the judge": An enormous, pale, and hairless man who often seems almost mythical or supernatural, Judge Holden is a dedicated examiner and recorder of the natural world and a supremely violent and perverted character. He rides with (though also remains largely independent from) Glanton's gang after they find him sitting on a rock in the middle of the desert and he saves them from an Apache attack using his exceptional intellect, skill, and nearly superhuman strength. It is hinted at that he and Glanton have forged some manner of a pact, possibly for the very lives of the gang members. He gradually becomes the antagonist to the kid after the dissolution of Glanton's gang, frequently making brief reunions with the kid to mock, debate with, or terrorize him. He is the most philosophical of the scalp hunters and appears remarkably well-educated; however, he perceives the world as fatalistic and liable to an endless cycle of bloody conquest, with human nature defined by violence; he asserts, ultimately, that "War is god."
·         Louis Toadvine: A seasoned outlaw the kid originally encounters in a vicious brawl and who then burns down a hotel, Toadvine is distinguished by his head which has no ears and his forehead branded with the letters H, T, (standing for "horse thief") and F. He later reappears unexpectedly as a cellmate of the kid in the Chihuahua prison. Here, he somewhat befriends the kid, negotiating his and the kid's release in return for joining Glanton's gang, to whom he claims dishonestly that he and the kid are experienced scalp hunters. Toadvine is not as depraved as the rest of the gang and opposes the judge's methods ineffectually, but is still a violent individual himself. He is hanged in Los Angeles alongside David Brown.
·         Captain White, or "the captain": An ex-professional soldier and American supremacist who believes that Mexico is a lawless nation destined to be conquered by the United States, Captain White leads a ragtag group of militants into Mexico. The kid joins Captain White's escapades before his capture and imprisonment; he later discovers that White has been decapitated by his enemies.
·         John Joel Glanton: Glanton is the American leader (sometimes deemed "captain") of a band of scalphunters who murder Indians as well as Mexican civilians and militants alike. His history and appearance are not clarified, except that he is physically small with black hair and has a wife and child in Texas though he has been banned from returning there because of his criminal record. A clever strategist, his last major action is to seize control of a profitable Colorado River ferry, which leads him and most of his gang to be killed in an ambush by Yuma Indians.
·         Tobin, or "the ex-priest": A former novice of some unspecified order, Ben Tobin instead turns to a life of crime in Glanton's gang, though remains deeply religious. He feels an apparently friend-like bond with the kid and abhors the judge and his philosophy; he and the judge gradually become great enemies. Although he survives the Yuma massacre of Glanton's gang, he is shot in the neck by the judge and seeks medical attention in San Diego. His ultimate fate, however, remains unknown.
·         David Brown: An especially radical member of the Glanton band, David Brown becomes known for his dramatic displays of violence. He wears a necklace of human ears (similar to the one worn by Bathcat before his immolation). He is arrested in San Diego and sought out by Glanton personally, who seems especially concerned to see him freed (though Brown ends up securing his own release). Though he survives the Yuma massacre, he is captured with Toadvine in Los Angeles and both are hanged.
·         John Jackson: "John Jackson" is a name shared by two men in Glanton's gang— one black, one white— who detest one another and whose tensions frequently rise when in each other's presence. After trying to drive the black Jackson away from a campfire with a racist remark, the white one is decapitated by the black one; the black Jackson later becomes the first person murdered in the Yuma massacre.

Minor characters

·         Reverend Green: a Christian preacher whom the judge falsely accuses of debauchery and is murdered as a result by an angry mob.
·         Ángel Trías: the governor of the state of Chihuahua
·         Sergeant Aguilar
·         Speyer: an arms dealer described as a Prussian Jew
·         The jugglers: a family of Mexican entertainers
·         General Elias
·         Colonel García
·         Magistrate of San Diego ("el alcalde")
·         Members of White's gang: Sergeant Trammel, the Corporal, the Texan (the "second corporal"), Earl (the Missourian), Clark, Candelario, Sproule, the Georgian
·         Other members of Glanton's gang: Doc Irving, Juan "McGill" Miguel, the Delawares, "Grannyrat" Chambers (the "veteran"[7]), Samuel Tate (the " Kentuckian"), Bathcat (the "Vandiemenlander"), Shelby (a Kentuckian who attended Transylvania University), Marcus "Long" Webster (another Tennessean), Henderson Smith (a Missourian), John Dorsey (a Missourian), John Gunn (a Missourian), Thomas Harlan (a Texan), John Prewett, Wilson, Miller, Carroll, Sanford, Sloat
·         The Idiot: James Robert, a mentally handicapped freak who is kept in a cage by his brother, the showman Cloyce Bell. Later in the book he is kept by the judge as a kind of pet. His fate is unknown.

Major themes


A major theme is the warlike nature of man. Critic Harold Bloom[8] praised Blood Meridian as one of the best 20th century American novels, describing it as "worthy of Herman Melville's Moby-Dick,"[9] but admitted that he found the book's pervasive violence so shocking that he had several false starts before reading the book entirely. Caryn James argued that the novel's violence was a "slap in the face" to modern readers cut off from the brutality of life, while Terrence Morgan thought that, though initially shocking, the effect of the violence gradually waned until the reader was bored.[10] Billy J. Stratton contends that the brutality depicted is the primary mechanism through which McCarthy challenges binaries and promotes his revisionist agenda.[11] Lilley argues that many critics struggle with the fact that McCarthy does not use violence for "jury-rigged, symbolic plot resolutions… In McCarthy's work, violence tends to be just that; it is not a sign or symbol of something else."[12]

Epigraphs and ending

Three epigraphs open the book: quotations from French writer Paul Valéry, from German Christian mystic Jacob Boehme, and a 1982 news clipping from the Yuma Sun reporting the claim of members of an Ethiopian archeological excavation that a fossilized skull three hundred millennia old seemed to have been scalped. The themes implied by the epigraphs have been variously discussed without specific conclusions.
As noted above concerning the ending, the most common interpretation of the novel is that Holden kills the kid in a Fort Griffin, Texas outhouse. The fact that the kid's death is not depicted might be significant. Blood Meridian is a catalog of brutality, depicting, in sometimes explicit detail, all manner of violence, bloodshed, brutality and cruelty. For the dramatic climax to be left undepicted leaves something of a vacuum for the reader: knowing full well the horrors established in the past hundreds of pages, the kid's unstated fate might still be too awful to describe, and too much for the mind to fathom: the sight of the kid's fate leaves several witnesses stunned almost to silence; never in the book does any other character have this response to violence, again underlining the singularity of the kid's fate.
Patrick W. Shaw argues that Holden has sexually violated the protagonist. As Shaw writes, the novel had several times earlier established "a sequence of events that gives us ample information to visualize how Holden molests a child, then silences him with aggression."[13] According to Shaw's argument, Holden's actions in the Fort Griffin outhouse are the culmination of what he desired decades earlier: to rape the kid, then perhaps kill him to silence the only survivor of the Glanton gang. If the judge wanted only to kill the kid, there would be no need for him to undress as he waited in the outhouse. Shaw writes,
When the judge assaults the kid in the Fort Griffin jakes… he betrays a complex of psychological, historical and sexual values of which the kid has no conscious awareness, but which are distinctly conveyed to the reader. Ultimately, it is the kid's personal humiliation which impacts the reader most tellingly. In the virile warrior culture which dominates that text and to which the reader has become acclimated, seduction into public homoeroticism is a dreadful fate. We do not see behind the outhouse door to know the details of the kid's corruption. It may be as simple as the embrace that we do witness or as violent as the sodomy implied by the judge's killing of the Indian children. The kid's powerful survival instinct perhaps suggests that he is a more willing participant than a victim. However, the degree of debasement and the extent of the kid's willingness are incidental. The public revelation of the act is what matters. Other men have observed the kid's humiliation… In such a male culture, public homoeroticism is untenable and it is this sudden revelation that horrifies the observers at Fort Griffin. No other act could offend their masculine sensibilities as the shock they display… This triumph over the kid is what the exhibitionist and homoerotic judge celebrates by dancing naked atop the wall, just as he did after assaulting the half-breed boy.
— Patrick W. Shaw, "The Kid's Fate, the Judge's Guilt"[14]
Yet Shaw’s effort to penetrate the mystery in the jakes has not managed to satisfy other critics, who have rejected his thesis as more sensational than textual:
Patrick W. Shaw's article . . . reviews the controversy over the end of McCarthy's masterpiece: does the judge kill the kid in the 'jakes' or does he merely sexually assault him? Shaw then goes on to review Eric Fromm's distinction between benign and malignant aggression – benign aggression being only used for survival and is rooted in human instinct, whereas malignant aggression is destructive and is based in human character. It is Shaw's thesis that McCarthy fully accepts and exemplifies Fromm's malignant aggression, which he sees as part of the human condition, and which we do well to heed, for without this acceptation we risk losing ourselves in intellectual and physical servitude. Shaw goes in for a certain amount of special pleading: the Comanches sodomizing their dying victims; the kid's exceptional aggression and ability, so that the judge could not have killed him that easily; the judge deriving more satisfaction from tormenting than from eliminating. Since the judge considers the kid has reserved some clemency in his soul, Shaw argues, that the only logical step is that the judge humiliates him by sodomy. This is possible, but unlikely. The judge gives one the impression, not so much of male potency, but of impotence. His mountainous, hairless flesh is more that of a eunuch than a man. Having suggested paedophilia, Shaw then goes back to read other episodes in terms of the judge's paedophilia: the hypothesis thus becomes the premise. And in so arguing, Shaw falls into the same trap of narrative closure for which he has been berating other critics. The point about Blood Meridian is that we do not know and we cannot know.
— Peter J. Kitson (Ed.), "The Year's Work in English Studies Volume 78 (1997)"[15]


Various discussions by Leo Daugherty, Barclay Owens, Harold Bloom and others, have resulted from the second epigraph of the three which are used by the author to introduce the novel taken from the "Gnostic" mystic Jacob Boehme. The quote from Boehme reads as follows: "It is not to be thought that the life of darkness is sunk in misery and lost as if in sorrowing. There is no sorrowing. For sorrow is a thing that is swallowed up in death, and death and dying are the very life of the darkness." No specific conclusions have been reached concerning its interpretation and the extent of its direct or indirect relevance to the novel.
These critics agree that there are Gnostic elements present in Blood Meridian, but they disagree on the precise meaning and implication of those elements. One of the most detailed of these arguments is made by Leo Daugherty in his 1992 article, "Blood Meridian as Gnostic Tragedy." Daugherty argues "Gnostic thought is central to Cormac McCarthy's Blood Meridian" (Daugherty, 122); specifically, the Persian-Zoroastrian-Manichean branch of Gnosticism. He describes the novel as a "rare coupling of Gnostic 'ideology' with the 'affect' of Hellenic tragedy by means of depicting how power works in the making and erasing of culture, and of what the human condition amounts to when a person opposes that power and thence gets introduced to fate."[16]
Daugherty sees Holden as an archon, and the kid as a "failed pneuma." The novel's narrator explicitly states that the kid feels a "spark of the alien divine". Furthermore, the kid rarely initiates violence, usually doing so only when urged by others or in self-defense. Holden, however, speaks of his desire to dominate the earth and all who dwell on it, by any means: from outright violence to deception and trickery. He expresses his wish to become a "suzerain," one who "rules even when there are other rulers" and whose power overrides all others'. In 2009, Bloom did refer to Boehme in the context of Blood Meridian as, "a very specific type of Kabbalistic Gnostic".
Daugherty contends that the staggering violence of the novel can best be understood through a Gnostic lens. "Evil" as defined by the Gnostics was a far larger, more pervasive presence in human life than the rather tame and "domesticated" Satan most Christians believe in. As Daugherty writes, "For [Gnostics], evil was simply everything that is, with the exception of bits of spirit imprisoned here. And what they saw is what we see in the world of Blood Meridian."[17] Barcley Owens argues that, while there are undoubtedly Gnostic qualities to the novel, Daugherty's arguments are "ultimately unsuccessful,"[18] because Daugherty fails to address the novel's pervasive violence adequately and because he overstates the kid's goodness.


Another major theme concerning Blood Meridian involves the subject of theodicy. Theodicy in general refers to the issue of the philosophical or theological attempt to justify the existence of that which is metaphysically or philosophically good in a world which contains so much apparent and manifest evil. Douglas Canfield in his essay "Theodicy in Blood Meridian" (in his bookMavericks on the Border, 2001, Lexington University Press) has made the assertion of the centrality of this theme throughoutBlood Meridian. James Wood in his essay for The New Yorker entitled "Red Planet" from 2005 took a similar position to this in recognizing the issue of the general justification of metaphysical goodness in the presence of evil in the world as a recurrent theme in the novel. This was directly supported by Edwin Turner on 28 September 2010 in his essay on Blood Meridian forBiblioklept. Chris Dacus in the Cormac McCarthy Journal for 2009 wrote the essay entitled, "The West as Symbol of the Eschaton in Cormac McCarthy," where he expressed his preference for discussing the theme of theodicy in its eschatological terms in comparison to the theological scene of the last judgment. This preference for reading theodicy as an eschatological theme was further affirmed by Harold Bloom in his recurrent phrase of referring to the novel as "The Authentic Apocalyptic Novel."

Literary significance and reception

While Blood Meridian received little initial recognition when it was released, it has since been recognized as one of the great masterpieces of American literature and of Western literature in general. It is widely held as one of the Great American Novels as well as one of the best novels ever written by Cormac McCarthy. Many claim it to be McCarthy's magnum opus.
Aleksandar Hemon has called Blood Meridian "the greatest American novel of the past thirty years." In 2006, The New York Times conducted a poll of writers and critics regarding the most important works in American fiction from the previous 25 years;Blood Meridian was a runner-up, along with John Updike's four novels about Rabbit Angstrom and Don DeLillo's Underworldwhile Toni Morrison's Beloved topped the list.[19] Novelist David Foster Wallace named Blood Meridian one of the five most underappreciated American novels since 1960[20] and described it as "[p]robably the most horrifying book of this century, at least [in] fiction."[21]
Academics and critics have variously suggested that Blood Meridian is nihilistic or strongly moral; a satire of the western genre, a savage indictment of Manifest Destiny. Harold Bloom called it "the ultimate western;" J. Douglas Canfield described it as "agrotesque Bildungsroman in which we are denied access to the protagonist's consciousness almost entirely."[22] Comparisons have been made to the work of Hieronymus Bosch and Sam Peckinpah, and of Dante Alighieri and Louis L'Amour. However, there is no consensus interpretation; James D. Lilley writes that the work "seems designed to elude interpretation."[12] After reading Blood Meridian, Richard Selzer declared that McCarthy "is a genius--also probably somewhat insane."[23] Critic Steven Shaviro wrote:
In the entire range of American literature, only Moby-Dick bears comparison to Blood Meridian. Both are epic in scope, cosmically resonant, obsessed with open space and with language, exploring vast uncharted distances with a fanatically patient minuteness. Both manifest a sublime visionary power that is matched only by still more ferocious irony. Both savagely explode the American dream of manifest destiny (sic) of racial domination and endless imperial expansion. But if anything, McCarthy writes with a yet more terrible clarity than does Melville.
— Steven Shaviro, "A Reading of Blood Meridian"[24]

American literary critic Harold Bloom praised Blood Meridian as one of the 20th century's finest novels.[25] Time magazine included the novel in its "TIME 100 Best English-language Novels from 1923 to 2005".[26]


English 101 - Toolkit
The focus of this course is to develop critical 
thinking skills and apply them to literature.
"We will learn to 'speak the language of the academy.' The Academy is the corpus of scholars and students throughout the world. The primary mode of communication is the written word. Students must master the ability of writing." - THE PROF

Course Focus: the problem of evil and chaos in society as an inherent faculty of humanity

In this first of two lectures on Blood Meridian, Professor Hungerford walks us through some of the novel's major sources and influences, showing how McCarthy engages both literary tradition and American history, and indeed questions of origins and originality itself. The Bible, Moby-Dick, Paradise Lost, the poetry of William Wordsworth, and the historical narrative of Sam Chamberlain all contribute to the style and themes of this work that remains, in its own right, a provocative meditation on history, one that explores the very limits of narrative and human potentialSEE IT HERE 

Blood Meridian Study Guide

John Pistelli

Week 3
Judge Holden and evil.
Is evil real ? What is evil

INTRODUCTION to Nietzsche 

Most of us at some point in our lives have lost someone very close to us. Whether it was a sudden death or one that you had time to prepare for, the pain is never easy to deal with. Though this pain may be hard, according to some 19th-century philosophers, this pain is actually a good thing. The pain and the feelings associated with that suffering assure us that we are alive, and those experiences are the only thing life is truly about. These ideas were first posited by the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche.

Nietzsche's early life was fraught with tragedy. His father, a local Protestant minister, died when Nietzsche was only five years old. His younger brother died six months later. Without his father's connection to Röcken as the town minister, Nietzsche and his mother moved in with Nietzsche's maternal grandmother and aunts in Naumberg an der Saale.



philosophical doctrine that suggests the lack of belief in one or more reputedly meaningful aspects of life. The Greek philosopher and SophistGorgias (ca. 485 BC–380 BC), is perhaps the first to consider the Nihilistic belief. Most commonly, nihilism is presented in the form of existential nihilism, which argues that life is without objective meaning, purpose, or intrinsic value.
